Even though 2020 was, well you know, Amy and Sean’s wedding day was like a breathe of fresh air in the middle of the crazy.
Amy and Sean are such an amazing couple and we were so happy that we were able to take their photos at the perfect wedding venue, J.Q. Dickinson Saltworks. It’s just outside of Charleston, WV and it’s the most amazing place to get married. Because of COVID, this was actually their backup plan, but turned out to be absolutely amazing.
Everywhere you turn at J.Q. is picturesque. Mix that in with such and incredible group of friends and family that surrounded Amy and Sean made for a perfect day. From getting ready at the hotel to the most enthusiastic dancing to end the night, the Meyer wedding was one for the books!

Thanks to all the great vendors who made Amy and Sean’s day everything they hoped for:
Venue – JQ Dickinson https://www.jqdsalt.com/
Florist – Winter Floral https://www.winterfloralandantiques.com/
Bakery – Rock City Cake Company https://www.rockcitycakeco.com/
DJ – Bravo Live https://www.bravolivedj.com/
Stationary – Buck and Bette https://www.buckandbette.com/
Makeup / Hair – Amy Hill