We got to follow these two around downtown Charleston for a couple hours on a perfect Tuesday evening in March. This was the kind of evening that makes you close your eyes, take a deep breath and say, “…..Ahhh Spring……”.
This engagement shoot was my first time meeting Kara and Daryl in person and I am so glad they booked us for their wedding! Not only are they awesome people and fun to be with, they were so fun to photograph! I can give anyone posing directions all day, but when I don’t have to, that makes my job easy and not every couple is comfortable when we tell them to kiss, or get closer but these two had no problem with that and were just so perfect together!
We ended our evening on top of a parking garage so we could get every bit of glorious light the sun would give us and I think its safe to say we made the right decision. The Capitol even photo bombed a few of our shots….